4 | NEUROLOGICAL FOUNDATION Chairman’s report I am also grateful to the scientists and clinicians who volunteer their time on our Scientific Advisory Committee and Personal Awards Committee. Their expertise and advice allow the Foundation to direct our funds into best in class research and to advance neurological education to the next generation. At the 2019 AGM we welcomed John Kelly and Sonja Clapham to the Council. Based in Taranaki, John has a background in leading and operating a national stock and station company’s livestock divisions and is the Business Manager/Director of his own livestock company. John's governance experience includes being the current Chair of TSB Ltd, a Board Member of Taranaki Veterinary Services, TRFU and a number of farming-based enterprises. Sonja is a barrister in Auckland. She was a foundation member of Shortland Chambers and is currently a member of the Auckland District Law Society’s Family Law Committee. After experiencing an episode of Guillain- Barre syndrome in 2009, (from which she fully recovered) Sonja has a heightened awareness of, and interest in, disorders and diseases of the nervous system. I am pleased to welcome two new casual council members, Barbara Bridger and Simon Johns who will officially join the Council at our upcoming 2020 AGM in August. Barbara, from Dunedin, has a career in finance and healthcare. Among her many roles, she is CEO of the Otago Community Trust. She has extensive experience in governance and leadership. Simon, from Christchurch, is an active neurosurgeon and medical educator. He has been a member of the Foundation’s Scientific Advisory Committee and has a good appreciation of the needs of our supporters and researchers. It is with sadness that I bid farewell to Tony Offen, of Dunedin, who volunteered as a Council member for 15 years. Tony retired from the Council at the 2019 AGM in November. Thank you, Tony, for your many years of support. As we finished our financial year at the end of March 2020, the world was thrust into unprecedented times with the outbreak of I wish to start off by saying thank you. As I review this report on everything the Neurological Foundation has been able to achieve in the 2019/20 financial year, I do so knowing that this would not have been possible without the assistance from our supporters. It is thanks to them, that over $4.8 million has been awarded to fund neurological research and education.