With your support 53 projects were funded in 2019/20 14 travel grants 12 small projects grants 10 large projects grants 7 fellowships 5 conference and training course grants 3 summer studentships 2 doctoral scholarships was awarded to scientists and clinicians that were directly affected by the lockdown of COVID-19. This totalled to $ 4,800,509 Additionally $ 234,000 That is students, scientists and clinicians that have received additional support because of you and your generosity. 21 We received $ 11,161,582 donations and bequests from 32,366 We held 43 educational events all around the country, attended by over 3000 supporters. Over the next financial year this support will be extended to all of our 75 current grants! Gisborne Tauranga Auckland Whangarei Queenstown Arrowtown Christchurch Dunedin Napier Hamilton Invercargill Rotorua Palmerston North New Plymouth Wellington Nelson Blenheim